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Happiness is a Habit


Happiness – everybody wants it. Some people just seem to be born with it, right?  You know those folks I’m talking about who always seem to be in a good mood and are always smiling. Do they know something others don’t?

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Product Description

Discover how to be happy and live a balanced life.

Happiness – everybody wants it. Some people just seem to be born with it, right?  You know those folks I’m talking about who always seem to be in a good mood and are always smiling. Do they know something others don’t?

You can go online and find an endless number of articles and other resources that talk about how to “get” happiness or how to “be” happy, right?  Lots of formal research has even been done to try to pin down exactly what it means to be happy – research that breaks down the literal scientific state of “happy” individuals in terms of physiological factors, like hormones and other chemical balances; as well as environmental and cultural factors, like socioeconomic status and other social influences. Yada! Yada! Yada! I know that to some people this can sound boring but let me tell you this, “happiness” is an important topic these days and always will be.

People want to be happy. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone was, in fact, happy?  No one person can wave a magic wand and make that happen for everyone else, but can you achieve happiness for yourself?  I think so. In fact, I know so.

In this eBook, I am going to share with you how:

  • To Create Tiny Habits For Lasting Change
  • To Design Your Happiness Framework
  • To Feel Like You Have More Life
  • Develop Your True Expression by Creating the ‘Important habits
  • Discover Long-Term Fulfillment When Things Appear Empty
  • To Re-Wire Your Brian and Trigger More Happiness Chemicals to Get Through ‘the tough times”.
  • And Much More…

In this E-book we’re going to explore the idea of happiness – what it is and what it isn’t. We are also going to explore what your idea of happiness is and where it comes from, and how we can all shift our states of mind to promote a realistic, achievable concept of what it means to be truly happy in our day-to-day lives. Maybe it sounds simple – and maybe it is. But this is a many-layered idea that deserves some time and some thought.

Buy this e-book today and begin your journey to new levels of happiness.

This downloadable eBook has become one of our bestsellers. Don’t wait to discover how to experience the happiness that you deserve.

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