How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over.

⅓ of Americans are dissatisfied with their lives.

Are you part of the ⅓?

That’s a sad way to be :(

When you AVOID taking the actions you know you need to take to accomplish your goal, you literally SABOTAGE YOURSELF.

The definition of “sabotage” itself means to deliberately destroy, damage or obstruct something.

We constantly screw ourselves over because we start honouring the negative voice or we start listening to all the naysayers. Negative comments about your personal or financial wealth aspirations take you to the next step higher in your life–said no one ever.

Those of you reading this are either sabotaging yourselves trying to get some aspiration (a business/product launch/more family time/more “me” time) off the ground or, you’re unconsciously destroying opportunities for new levels of success in your business.

And that just plain SUCKS.

In this week’s Motivational Monday video, I share tips to help you break-down those mental barriers of self-sabotage. I also open up about my past entrepreneurial struggles and how I self-sabotaged my happiness and success.

This is a MUST SEE!

FREEING YOURSELF from self-imposed constraints lets you MOVE INTO a space of ABUNDANCE than scarcity. This mental and habit-shift EMPOWERS YOU to keep moving forward towards YOUR GOALS.  

It is simple, effective yet POWERFUL.

Let’s look again at the statistic presented earlier..1/3rd of Americans are dissatisfied with their lives.

That’s about 100 million people!

My guess is that they’ve probably given up on their dreams. That ⅓  have likely listened to those negative conversations.

“Why it can’t be done”

“it isn’t fair”

“people would perceive me differently”

All of which reflect scarcity in some form and which changed their view on the world. And more importantly, how they see themselves.


So here is my CHALLENGE to you this week.

For 7 days, be cognizant of when you are entertaining a negative conversation in your head.

What is the conversation regarding?

Money/relationships?business launch?

Once that’s understood the premise of the thought, DO NOT ENTERTAIN THE IDEA.

When the negative thought is entertained, you buy into the thought that it will happen.

Again, you screwed yourself over. #selfsabotage

At 8:55 — I share my personal story of overcoming the 2007 market crash as a real-estate broker and business owner. I couldn’t pay any overhead, wages for staff, even myself. Also going through a divorce 6 months before, I was emotionally devastated.

Being bombarded with problem after problem, all coming with negative energy is a tough and lonely place.

It came to a point where I had to STEP UP and NOT BE A VICTIM OF THE ECONOMY.

There couldn’t be room in my mind to entertain negative thoughts as I refused to screw myself over and feel continuously stuck and helpless when I know I can change MY economy.

STOP SCREWING YOURSELF OVER by following these tips:

  1. Decide to be somebody BETTER than who you are at this moment. My hatred, anger and frustration had to change to positivity, abundance and gratefulness.
  2. STOP mindlessly scrolling through social media or watching Constantly Negative News. I could not let any person or circumstance influence the positive mindset I chose to return to.
  3. Recognize if you want to turn around the external situation, you must to start internally.
    As a daily mantra, remind yourself “I can turn this around” “Be the Change” “It all Starts with You First”.

#reinvent yourself to create new results

There’s a huge gap exhibited by many going from knowledge→ to execution.


Put these tools into practice and see what becomes available out of taking new actions.


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The People’s Champion,

Edward R. Munoz


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